In 1927, Alan Crosland premiered his black and white film The Jazz Singer. The incorporation of coloured frames was not the only technical revolution experienced by the cinema between the twenties and thirties. A development that made colour films experience an ‘unstoppable growth’ from 1935 on. According to what David Bordwell, Janet Staiger, and Kristin Thompson wrote in The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960, this invention was attributed to Comstock, Troland and Ball (graduates and students of MIT), while its development was thanks to Kalmus. But it was the development of the three– color camera (Technicolor three– strip) which would revolutionize the industry technically. The arrival of two subsequent systems (called Process 2 or “two strip” system and Process 3) would improve the production of colour films. The projectionist – due to the novelty of the process – was not able to adjust the machine properly and correctly register the two colors on the screen, affecting to the proper display of the film. And so was demonstrated with the premiere of The Gulf Between, in 1917. How did it work? A light and colour filters beam splitter facilitated the process, however, it ended up having many difficulties for the projection in theatres. This discovery, based on the Kinemacolor system, recorded images in two colours (red and teal) using only one lens. Thanks to the discovery of Daniel Comstock and Burton Wescott, the Technicolor Corporation company succeeded in turning black and white films into colour.
A key turning point for the industry, which was possible thanks to the introduction of a photographic chemical process that managed to introduce colour in movie frames In 1916, one of the most important techniques of the seventh art arrived: Technicolor, which allowed filmmakers to record films in colour. 67 years before the Apollo 11 mission set foot on the satellite for the first time, Méliès could “portray” the landing of a ship in the eye of the Moon, a famous image that characterizes the first major science fiction film. Thus he managed to produce the film A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune) despite the technical precariousness of the early twentieth century. The French director used the techniques of superimposition of images, fading, double exposures and scale models. Since Georges Méliès “crashed” a rocket on the surface of the Moon in 1902 nothing will ever be the same again. But the illusion of movement – centrepiece of the seventh art – also owes much to another French filmmaker. The Lumière brothers began the history of film with the invention of the cinematograph.
As a result, they developed 450 portable cinematographers.

Source: Victor Grigas (Wikimedia)Īs explained in the National Media Museum, the Lumière brothers were soon aware of the business opportunity they stood upon. In this French corner, and as a surprise to the audience, they projected the arrival of a train at the Ciotat station. The Lumière brothers’ cinematograph was unveiled at a scientific conference held in March 1895, although its official presentation was on December 28 of that same year at the Grand Café Boulevard des Capucines in Paris. But the industry went far beyond those basic techniques that projected images in dark rooms, showed still transparent pictures or moved bands that displayed twelve images per second.

According to the journalist Yolima Andrea Díaz, the film and its advances in technology date back to representations such as the mid-sixteenth century “camera obscura”, the seventeenth century “magic lantern” or Étienne-Jules Marey’s portable chronophotography. Their goal was no other than deceiving our eyes. These pioneers, inventors of the cinematograph, recreated the illusion of movement. The beginning of the seventh art cannot be understood without the contribution of the Lumière brothers. These have been some of the advances in technology that have revolutionized the history of film. From the first Lumière brothers projections to modern computer-generated graphic films, the industry has not stopped innovating to make better films.
The history of film is full of advances that have changed the seventh art ever since, both in the way it is produced and in the way in which the public has enjoyed it.